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pagePhoto gallary
titleVilnius Photo Gallary




Day before the meeting

09:00 - 20:00


20:00 - 22:00

Social Dinner

Restaurant Etno Dvaras, Aušros Vartų str. 2,, Vilnius 

Paid by attendees on the day


Overview of progress

9:00 - 9:00


9:30 - 9:40

Introduction by Vilnius Tech Vice-Rector – Dr Aidas Mezquinas

9:40 - 10:50

Joint session – WG Updates

9:40 - 9.45

Introduction to the ON-DEM COST Action – Dr Daniel Barreto

09:45 - 09:51

WG1 – Prof Nicolin Govender

09:51 - 09:57

WG2 – Dr Hrachya Kocharyan

09:57 - 10:03

WG3 – Dr Adrian Priceputu

10:03 - 10:09

WG4 – Dr Elizabeta Samec

10:09 - 10:15

WG5 – Ms Donna Fitzsimmons

10:15 - 10:21

WG6 – Ms Damla Serper

10:21 - 10:26

Grant Awards and procedures – Dr Felipe Prada

10:26 - 10:50

Science Communication and ON-DEM website – Prof Anthony Thornton

10:50 - 11:00

Air pollution control and particle interaction mechanisms for cleaning technologies - Dr Aleksandras Chlebnikovas (UAB Vilpros Industry)

11:00 - 11:30

Coffee break

11:30 - 13:00

Working Group meetings (Session 1) - Links below

WG1 – Passing through time and space scales

Development of a short list of reference problems considering hardware architectures and model-based challenges

WG2 – Going closer to physics

Development of a short list of model materials and an inventory of experimental equipment relevant for validation of DEM simulations

WG3 – Data processing and visualisation

Developing a list of numerical data required for inclusion in common open DEM file format

WG4 – Normalisation and best practices

Developing a short list of reference benchmarks and case studies

13:00 - 13:10

Group Picture

13:10 - 14:00


Building of the meeting, Sauletekio al., 11
Paid during registration, approximately 15 EUR

14:00 - 15:30

Working Group meetings (Session 2) - Links below

WG1 – Passing through time and space scales
Development of a short list of reference problems considering hardware architectures and model-based challenges

WG2 – Going closer to physics
Development of a short list of model materials and an inventory of experimental equipment relevant for validation of DEM simulations

WG3 – Data processing and visualisation
Developing a list of numerical data required for inclusion in common open DEM file format

WG4 – Normalisation and best practices
Handbook of normalisation and best practice for DEM simulations – Developing a preliminary table of contents

WG6 – Communication and dissemination
Developing strategies for dissemination of deliverables

15:30 - 16:00

Coffee break

16:00 - 17.00

Conclusion and closure

17:00 - 17:10

Coffee break

Evening program

Paid in advance, approximately 60 EUR, payment details provided by e-mail or paid in cash during registration

17:10 - 18:00

Travel to Trakai

18:00 - 19:00

Visit to Trakai castle

19:00 - 19 :15

Leave Trakai to countryside villa

Countryside vila “Vila Viesai”,

19:15 - 22 :30

Dinner, including sauna and bath in the lake

