Versions Compared


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Discussion leader(s)

  • Hrachya Kocharyan

  • Catherine O’Sullivan


Key Achievements

  1. Decided on a tentative structure for a portal to collect info about contact models

  2. Created a review group that will manage the collected info



Input needed from other WGs

  1. Liaising with other WGs did not form a significant part of the discussion.


Key contributors

  1. Kevin Hanley

  2. Katia Boschi

  3. Radan Ivanov

  4. Dalila Vescovi

  5. Vasileios Angelidakis

  6. John Morrissey

  7. Urte Radvilaite

Brief Summary

During this meeting we considered the online database grainDB as a template to work off to collate information about the contact models that have been implemented in various DEM codes. Taking the Grain DB database as a basis we developed a tentative structure for a DEM contact model database.

We agreed on a core group who would look at the detailed design of the Grain DB database and then transition into a point where these people would review contact models as they are submitted. The core group members were agreed to be

  1. Catherine O’Sullivan

  2. Kevin Hanley

  3. Katia Boschi

  4. Radan Ivanov

  5. Dalila Vescovi

  6. Vasileios Angelidakis

  7. John Morrissey

We developed a summary of the design and that is included below as a pdf attachment.

We identified the following key issues to unpick as the work progresses

Key issues
• Who will create database
• URL generation –
• Review committee –
• Clear articulation of overall vision and objective / aim –
• Admin email address / contact form?
• How to report problems?
• Discussion forum or comments?

File summarizing design of database

View file

Important Links