Produce a common standard output file format which may be used across different DEM open-source codes
Generate a protocol in which data from less commonly used contact models can be generated using the Open DEM format
Provide a set of visualization tools that can work as plug-ins of open-source tools that are widely used
Due date
Key outcomes
D2.1 Inventorying open-source high performance visualisation tools capable to receive specific developments through plugin mechanism (September 2024)
D1.1 Selecting the data to be saved in a common DEM file covering a range of applications (Technical Report - December 2024)
D2.3 Defining a list of the most common DEM post-processors and data analyses (June 2025)
D1.2 Writing the file format specifications (December 2025)
D1.3 Implementing the Open DEM file format (Technical Report - April 2027)
D2.2 Development of post-processing plugins for the software defined at D2.1 (July 2027)
D2.4 Enriching visualisation tools (July 2027) - needs a bit of clarification
in progress
\uD83E\uDD14 Problem Statement
This Working Group proposes to produce a common standard output file format which may be used across different DEM open-source codes. The aim is to provide this in the form of an optimised file format (Open DEM format) that will enable faster post-processing and analysis of data across multiple common applications. This will at least include the most widely used contact models.
🎯 Scope
Must have:
a set of the most common post-processing tools and algorithms
list of data needed to be saved for exchanging between DEM codes
list of data needed to be saved for post-processing
a framework to add this data by anyone, independent on the code
a protocol to expand the list of data, allowing less commonly used codes to be integrated
plugins to be added to DEM software for visualizing results
Nice to have:
a list of most commonly used contact models (from WG2)