Discussion leader(s)
Adrian Priceputu
Bruno Chareyre
Key Achievements
Found that we could use VTK HDF format to store data (at least for visualisation)
Sketched a framework for storing DEM data to save/reload any simulation in different codes
Focus for next period
Setup the backbone of the simulation data structure
Find an efficient way of populating, viewing and expanding the data structure
Populate the data structure with specific data from various codes or models
Input needed from other WGs
WG2 could help with populating relevant data for different contact models
Key contributors (in alphabetical order)
Bruno Chareyre
John Morrisey
Mathieu Westphal
Brief Summary | It was decided that we need to display a hierarchy of data with normalized names in order to export / import simulations from one code to another. Some data will be flagged as “mandatory” – needed for saving the simulation – while other will be flagged as “optional” – this is used for post-processing only. A sketch of this framework (as discussed during the meeting) is shown below: |
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