Discussion leader(s)
Retief Lubbe
Daniel Barreto
Key Achievements
Enhanced/extended industrial engagement
Agreement on definitions for benchmarking, validation, verification and DEM challenges to be adopted across all Working Groups and ON-DEM deliverables.
Focus for next period
Categorisation of problems into benchmarking, verification, validation and/or challenge.
Precise definition of problems for external (and internal) promotion.
Input needed from other WGs
Help from WG6 in dissemination to get further engagement on benchmarking, validation and verification problems.
Communication from WG1 and WG5 on relevant problems which require joint work (e.g. industrially relevant problems).
Details of common DEM output file format from WG3 to be adopted in benchmarking, validation and verification campaigns, where possible.
Key contributors (in alphabetical order)
Karol Brzeziński
Hongyang Cheng
Yannick Descantes
Nicolin Govender
Prashant Gupta
Kevin Hanley
Radan Ivanov
Vanessa Magnanimo
Luisa Orozco
Catherine O’Sullivan
Marco Previtali
Dingena Schott
Hao Shi
Paal Skjetne
Anthony Thornton
Deepak Tunungutla
Brief Summary | Extensive discussion in order to agree on a common terminology. Agreement reached and to be adopted within ON-DEM context as follows: Benchmarking: Comparison between two or more codes (e.g. in terms of performance, accuracy, etc.) Verification: A given code does what is supposed to. Verification is provided by means of an analytical solution (if available) or in terms of the ability of the code to replicate the relevant physics. Validation: A given code agrees with observed reality. Validation is usually provided by comparison against physical experiments/measurements. |
Important Links | Relevant papers to be added here. |