What we require
Experiment and simulation data along with the configuration used.
The code that you want to use and/or if you are willing to run cases.
If you can help with scripts for processing the results or have suggestions.
Officially we need to have at-least two open source codes codes with the implementations
Currently we have commitments for Yade and Mercury.
Beyond that, any code that you want can be used as we aim to compare in a code agnostic manner.
Yannick Descantes has a test case that we will use to check numerical stability in heap formation.
Timo Plath has a script in MercuryDPM for Rotating drum and Surrogate model calibration
What we want to achieve in 2025
Overview and comparison of different time-efficient computational strategies and methods (HPC vs Upscaling vs Surrogates)
Start with DEM glass beads
Comparison with real world ground truth
Hackathon plan
WG1 Update
Identify available rotating drum datasets
Ben Jenkins Is the data open-access?
There is data corresponding to linear spring model. Correct Timo Plath? If yes, how can we download it?
- Timo Plath is on it
Codebases to generate datasets from scratch
(semi/fully) Closed-source
nicolin did the implementation in Blaze and provides Blaze binary
Ben Jenkins LIGGGHTS
Different calibration techniques
Yannick Descantes has a test case that we will use to check numerical stability in heap formation.
Timo Plath has a script in MercuryDPM for Rotating drum and Surrogate model calibration
Split into two groups HPC and Alternative Methods (AI/ML, Surrogate models)
G1 - HPC by nicolin
Assign tasks to complete the benchmark case of the rotating drum
G2 - Alternative methods by Deepak Tunuguntla Hongyang Cheng
To be filled very soon.