WG meeting in Zurich (hosted by ETHZ). 2 days. Approximately 10 people to be reimbursed by COST (depending on available budget). It will happen on April 28th and 29th as a satellite event of the workshop “Modelling of granular materials - Integrating data, computation, and physics” to be held on April 30th at the Meridian Hall, Collegium Helveticum. Both events are organised/hosted by Danny van der Haven.
Intended WGs: WG1 and WG4. This will be dedicated to a hackathon for Machine Learning methods for DEM simulation, production of deliverables for WG1 and advancing on benchmarking problems common between WG1 and WG4, as well as progressing on the development of the “Handbook of best-practice and guidance for DEM simualtions. .