05-09-2024 Edinburgh Meeting Notes

05-09-2024 Edinburgh Meeting Notes



 Discussion topics







Benchmarking problems for DEM (where Hongyang is present)

Daniel & Retief

Definition of benchmark problems: same as our academic reference problems? Has it been verified (algorithmically and theoretically), has it been compared and validated (against experiments ). Benchmarking: pure performance measure against different methods. Difference between single core, multi-core, GPU/CPU, and for ML different architectures, and for UP different models (mesoparticle to begin with).

Contact model calibration

JP & Roxana

Contact models, efficiency of different calibration & optimization strategies, does you calibration depend on regimes (solid and fluid)

Online database session (where Hongyang is present)

JP Morrissey

Possibility to add new contact models, a GUI on GrainDB. Contact models that can be plugged into various codes, e.g., Python class ↔︎ Jason. Can we do something similar with our upscaling approaches? For example, a postprocessing tool to identification of time scales and length scale from existing data

 Action items

@Deepak Tunuguntla
@Hongyang Cheng Feel in the template for update


  1. Two tangible tasks defined